Tutorial: Metro Networks -- Business and Technology Case Study
Prof. Ashwin Gumaste, IIT Bombay
Metro Networks are a multi-billion dollar equipment business today. We study different technologies and business cases that constitute metropolitan networks. The tutorial begins by focus on WDM network design followed by SONET/SDH technologies. We then investigate the rise of Carrier Ethernet, by considering the two alternatives - MPLS-TP and PBB-TE. The tutorial ends by presenting a technology roadmap in metro networks.
Ashwin Gumaste is currently the James R. Isaac Chair in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. He is at present also a Visiting Scientist with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA in the Research Laboratory for Electronics – Claude-E-Shannon group. He was previously with Fujitsu Laboratories (USA) Inc as a Member of Research Staff in the Photonics Networking Laboratory (2001-05). Prior to this he worked in Fujitsu Network Communications R&D and prior to that with Cisco Systems in the Optical Networking Group (ONG). He has 17 issued US patents and has published about 110 papers in referred conferences and journals. He has also authored three books in broadband networks called DWDM Network Designs and Engineering Solutions (a networking bestseller), and First-Mile Access Networks and Enabling Technologies and Broadband Services: User Needs, Business Models and Technologies for John Wiley. He has served Program Chair, Co-chair, Publicity chair and workshop chair for IEEE conferences and as Program Committee member for IEEE ICC, Globecom, OFC, ICCCN, Gridnets etc. Ashwin is also a guest editor for IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Network and the founding Editor of the IEEE ComSoc ONTC’s newsletter Prism. He can be reached through www.ashwin.name.